We welcome feedback from researchers who have applied the taxonomy to outcomes in their SR, Delphi study or final COS. We will happily respond to queries and check outcome classifications, and you are invited to submit your lists of outcomes and associated taxonomy classifications for inclusion in our repository. You are requested to download and populate the Excel spreadsheet below, providing the title and authors of your COS/SR, indication of the source of the outcome list (SR, Delphi study, final COS, other – please specify) and verbatim outcome text, outcome definition/description, associated taxonomy domain, whether the outcome is a harm or benefit outcome and any comments or queries you may have in relation to each outcome. We also invite you to record and submit taxonomy domain classifications for specific HRQL measurement tools using this spreadsheet.
Click here to download the spreadsheet
Please send the completed spreadsheet to: s.r.dodd@liverpool.ac.uk